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Policy Types

jsPolicy supports three types of policies:

TriggerRequests to k8s API serverRequests to k8s API serverChanges to k8s object (Events)
Execution Ordersequentialparallelqueued
Expected Resultmutate() request objectallow() or deny() requestanything

Mutating and Validating policies run during a HTTP request to the Kubernetes API server. After Kubernetes performs authentication and authorization (RBAC), it runs the Mutating policies sequentially and then runs all Validating policies in parallel. If any of the Validating policies calls deny(), the request will be aborted and not persisted in etcd.

Controller policies are not part of any Kubernetes API server request. Instead, they are triggered asynchronuously by Events in your Kubernetes cluster. Every CRUD operation on any of the Kubernetes objects in your cluster creates an Event. jsPolicy listens to these events and executes the matching Controller policies which can perform any kind of action in response to an Event, including also executing other CRUD operations in your cluster.

Deny vs Warn

Mutating and validating policies may also use warn() to display warnings to client, i.e. these warnings will not impact the request itself but they are shown in the kubectl output for example.


Mutating policies are executed as part of kubectl requests right after the API server performs authentication and authorization (RBAC). The objective of mutating policies is to change the payload (Kubernetes object) provided in a request, e.g. add/remove a label in the metadata.labels of a Kubernetes object that is being created.

Possible examples for mutating policies would be:

  • Adding mandatory labels or annotations to the metadata of an object
  • Auto-completing certain fields, e.g. adding a nodeSelector for a Pod or a PodSpec in a Deployment
  • Replacing placeholders, i.e. a user may create an Ingress with host: myhostname.#BASE_HOSTNAME# and the mutating policy may replace #BASE_HOSTNAME# with company.tld

Since mutating policies change the request's object, Kubernetes executes them sequentially, so that they do not interfere with each other.

Policy can specify a Reinvocation Policy to allow JSPolicy admission plugin to observe changes made by other admission plugins after the initial mutating webhook call.

reinvocationPolicy in JSPolicy specification may be set to Never or IfNeeded. It defaults to Never.

  • Never: the policy webhook must not be called more than once in a single admission evaluation.
  • IfNeeded: the policy webhook may be called again as part of the admission evaluation if the object being admitted is modified by other admission plugins after the initial webhook call.


Validating policies are executed as part of kubectl requests after the execution of mutating policies. The objective of validating policies is to inspect the request and then to either deny or allow it.

Popular examples for validating policies are:

  • Denying access to certain namespaces
  • Denying the use of certain labels of ingress resources
  • Ensuring that there are no conflicting ingress hostnames

Since validating policies cannot modify the request, all matching policies that are validating are executed in parallel. If any of the policies denies the request, the request will be denied. Only if none of the policies denies the request, Kubernetes will process the request and modify the persisted cluster state in etcd.


Unlike mutating and validating policies, controller policies are not part of the lifecycle of a request to the Kubernetes API server. Controller policies are triggered by the Events that Kubernetes creates for each change of the cluster state in etcd, e.g. if you create a new Deployment or update an Ingress, Kubernetes creates an Event for this change. The objective of controller policies is to react to changes to your cluster's state.

Examples of use cases foc controller policies could be:

  • Automatically creating certain resources in every newly created namespace (e.g. LimitRange, NetworkPolicy etc.)
  • Sending statistical information about the creation of new objects to an analytics server
  • If an Event tells us that a certain resource has been deleted, we may want to delete certain related resources

jsPolicy detects Events in your cluster and calls the matching controller policies with the contents of these events.