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requeue() Function

The requeue() function can only be used in controller policies and tells jsPolicy that you want to re-execute the policy for this object. You can specify a reason for the requeue with requeue("my reason"). Requeues will be rate limited in the internal js policy controller queue, which makes it safe to use it if an error has occurred in your reconcile logic.


kind: JsPolicy
name: "state.resource.example"
operations: ["CREATE"]
resources: ["namespaces"]
apiGroups: [""]
# If type is Controller, the policy will behave like a regular
# Kubernetes controller and the policy logic will be called in each
# reconcile. A controller will receive watch events from
# Kubernetes directly and can act on those. This makes it possible
# to change cluster state based on cluster changes immediately or to enforce
# policies on objects that already exist. JsPolicy makes sure that at all times only
# one instance of this policy is running, so you don't have to fear
# race conditions. Find out more about controller at
# You can use deny() to report violations or change the cluster state
# via the create(), update() and remove() functions directly. Note that
# a change to a resource that is watched by this policy will immediately
# trigger a reconcile on this policy.
# Each controller policy will initially receive a CREATE event
# for each resource that already exists. On each change to a specified
# resource the policy will receive either a CREATE event (for changed
# or newly created objects) or a DELETE event for deleted objects.
# In addition, when the underlying resource informer is re-synced,
# CREATE events will be emitted again for all existing resources.
type: Controller
# You can also use objectSelector and namespaceSelector for controller policies
create-rq: "true"
javascript: |
// This policy will create a resource quota for each namespace that
// has a label "create-rq": "true". Also works for already existing
// namespaces that match these labels.
// You can test the policy with:
// kubectl create ns test
// kubectl label ns test create-rq=true
// kubectl get resourcequotas -n test
// find resource quota
const resourceQuota = get("ResourceQuota", "v1", + "/my-resource-quota");
if (!resourceQuota) {
const createResult = create({
kind: "ResourceQuota",
apiVersion: "v1",
metadata: {
"name": "my-resource-quota",
spec: {
hard: {
"limits.cpu": "2"
if (!createResult.ok && createResult.reason !== "AlreadyExists") {
// This makes it possible to avoid loops and just tells jsPolicy to try again later
} else {
print(`created ResourceQuota ${}/my-resource-quota`);